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Azumi Setoda

Azumi Setoda




Let simple be simple, and
complicated be complicated.

Fumitomo Hayase

Founder / Co-CEO. Prior to starting Naru, Fumitomo was Japan Representative of Aman where he sourced and managed development of Aman Tokyo and Amanemu in Ise. He joined Aman Resorts as a Management Trainee and have been in operational posts in various hotels around Asia.

Yuta Oka

Founder / Co-CEO. A hotelier involved in the creation of hotels including K5 in Tokyo, Japan. Prior to starting his hotels, Yuta started his career at Starwood Capital Group in Asia and North America. He then consulted for the management team and owner group of Aman on its real estate investments and management strategy – where he met Fumitomo. Yuta is also the Founding Partner of InSitu, which is currenly renamed Staple.

Yoshi Kubota

Yoshi started her career with Aman Resorts as a Management Trainee. After being in operations at Amangani and Amanusa, she was promoted to hold managerial roles at Amankora and Amanemu. Aside from operations, she also has experience in starting up the Japan sales office for Aman Resorts.

Kazuki Nishimura

Kazuki joined Naru after being trained at Conrad Tokyo and Amanemu. He gained specialized experience especially in the kaiseki and teppanyaki field. Kazuki has opened Fukudaya as the Head of House.

Shinobu Suzuki

After experienced and worked for several international hotels in overseas and Tokyo as guest relations and sales, she joined Aman Resorts as Japan Sales. Currently she is in charge of sales especially for inbound market mainly for Azumi Setoda and Fukudaya.

Yuya Uenuma

After graduating from Meiji University with a degree in Marketing, he joined ABeam consulting Ltd. After around 2 years at ABeam, he joined InSitu, which is currently renamed Staple, and then joined Naru Developments in August 2021. He has been currently working in finance and PR/Branding field for operating properties as well as planning and developing new hotels.

Yuiko Ota

After graduating from the University of Denver in Colorado with a degree in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management, she has spent approximately 20 years at Hyatt Hotels and Resorts hotels in Japan and abroad with experience mainly in the field of room reservations and revenue management. She moved to Naru Developments in October 2022 through a relationship with Fumitomo, who has been on good terms for a long time.


早瀬 文智

ナルの創業者・共同代表。創業以前はAmanにて幹部候補生として各リゾートのオペレーションに従事した後、計12年間に渡って同ブランドの日本法人代表としてリゾートの開発・立ち上げを担当。2014年Aman Tokyo立ち上げ時に共同創業者の岡と出会い、ナルの構想を描き始める。

岡 雄大

ナルの創業者・共同代表。日本橋K5を含む幾つかのホテル創業に携わるホテリエ。 以前は米Starwood Capital Groupをはじめとする投資会社にてアジア・北米の不動産投資やホテル会社の経営助言を行う。2013年よりAmanへ出向し、そこで早瀬と出会う。InSitu(現Staple)の代表も務める。

窪田 淑

Aman Resortsの幹部候補生としてアメリカのAmanganiやバリ島のAmanusaにてオペレーションに従事後、ブータンのAmankoraや伊勢志摩のAmanemuではマネジメント職に就く。オペレーション以外にもAman Resortsの日本セールスオフィスの立ち上げとしての経験も有する。

西村 一樹

CONRAD TOKYOやAmanenuの料飲部門を経てナルに参画。懐石や鉄板などの日本料理分野にて専門的に経験を積んだ。現在は福田屋の主人を務める。

鈴木 しのぶ

海外リゾートや都内ホテルでのフロントや営業としての経験を経て、Aman Resortsの日本セールスに着任。日本のお客様へ海外のアマンを紹介する職を務めた。現在はAzumi Setodaや福田屋を中心に、インバウンドをメインにした営業を担当している。

上沼 佑也

2019年に明治大学を卒業後、ABeamコンサルティングに入社。入社後はCRM領域のプロジェクトを経験し、2021年1月よりInSituStaple)に入社。同年8月よりNaru Developmentsへ転籍し、現在は運営施設の財務やPR/Branding領域などの業務や新規案件での企画開発における業務を務めている。

太田 裕郁子

アメリカコロラド州にあるデンバー大学のホテル・レストラン・観光経営学部を卒業後、ハイアット リージェンシー デンバー テック センター、パーク ハイアット 東京、ハイアット リージェンシー 京都など国内外のハイアット ホテルズ アンド リゾーツのホテルにて約20年間勤務。主に宿泊予約・レベニューマネジメントのフィールドでの経験を積んだ。その後、かねてより親交のあった早瀬との縁で2022年10月よりNaru Developmentsへ参画。

Let simple be simple, and
complicated be complicated.
Fumitomo Hayase

Founder / Co-CEO. Prior to starting Naru, Fumitomo was Japan Representative of Aman where he sourced and managed development of Aman Tokyo and Amanemu in Ise. He joined Aman Resorts as a Management Trainee and have been in operational posts in various hotels around Asia.

Yuta Oka

Founder / Co-CEO. A hotelier involved in the creation of hotels including K5 in Tokyo, Japan. Prior to starting his hotels, Yuta started his career at Starwood Capital Group in Asia and North America. He then consulted for the management team and owner group of Aman on its real estate investments and management strategy – where he met Fumitomo. Yuta is also the Founding Partner of InSitu, which is currenly renamed Staple.

Yoshi Kubota

Yoshi started her career with Aman Resorts as a Management Trainee. After being in operations at Amangani and Amanusa, she was promoted to hold managerial roles at Amankora and Amanemu. Aside from operations, she also has experience in starting up the Japan sales office for Aman Resorts.

Kazuki Nishimura

Kazuki joined Naru after being trained at Conrad Tokyo and Amanemu. He gained specialized experience especially in the kaiseki and teppanyaki field. Kazuki has opened Fukudaya as the Head of House.

Shinobu Suzuki

After experienced and worked for several international hotels in overseas and Tokyo as guest relations and sales, she joined Aman Resorts as Japan Sales. Currently she is in charge of sales especially for inbound market mainly for Azumi Setoda and Fukudaya.

Yuya Uenuma

After graduating from Meiji University with a degree in Marketing, he joined ABeam consulting Ltd. After around 2 years at ABeam, he joined InSitu, which is currently renamed Staple, and then joined Naru Developments in August 2021. He has been currently working in finance and PR/Branding field for operating properties as well as planning and developing new hotels.

Yuiko Ota

After graduating from the University of Denver in Colorado with a degree in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management, she has spent approximately 20 years at Hyatt Hotels and Resorts hotels in Japan and abroad with experience mainly in the field of room reservations and revenue management. She moved to Naru Developments in October 2022 through a relationship with Fumitomo, who has been on good terms for a long time.

Naru Developments Co., Ltd Founded in January 2017
Kyoto OfficeRagsa higashinotointakatsuji 3F,
559-2 Toro-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi,
Kyoto 600-8401
Tokyo OfficeSOIL Nihonbashi 2F,
14-7 Nihonbashikobunacho, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo 103-0024
株式会社ナル・デベロップメンツ 2017年1月創業
SOIL Nihonbashi 2階
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